The JRC Leaf Optical Properties Experiment (LOPEX'93)

by B. Hosgood (1), S. Jacquemoud (2), G. Andreoli (1), J. Verdebout (1), A. Pedrini (1), and G. Schmuck (1)

(1) Joint Research Centre, Institute for Remote Sensing Applications, Ispra - Italy
(2) Laboratoire associé de Météorologie Physique, Université Blaise Pascal, Aubière - France

Document published by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate - General XIII, Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research, L-2920 Luxembourg.

Catalogue: CL-NA-16095-EN-C

LEGAL NOTICE: neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the following information.


An experiment was organized in the Joint Research Centre at Ispra during the summer of 1993 in which a data set associating visible / infrared spectra of vegetation elements (leaves, conifer needles, stems, etc) with physical measurements and biochemical analyses was constructed. This document describes how the experiment was performed and how the main results have been classified and archived.


  1. Introduction
  2. The experiment
  3. Spectral measurements
  4. Auxiliary measurements
  5. Classification of the experimental results
  6. Conclusion
  7. Acknowledgements

I. Introduction

The estimation of leaf biochemistry and leaf water status with remote sensing data is a challenge for the years to come. It also has an important potential in agriculture to follow crop development and yield predictions. The biochemical constituents of interest in this experiment were lignin, proteins (nitrogen), cellulose and starch, as well as chlorophyll and foliar water. The major processes involved in the terrestrial ecosystem such as photosynthesis, primary production, or foliar decomposition can be related to these constituents. As leaves are the most important surfaces of a plant canopy, relating their optical properties to these constituents is a priority. The overall objective of the experiment was to investigate the use of high resolution visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for the retrieval of chlorophylls, water, protein, cellulose, lignin, and starch both on fresh and dry material, on individual leaves and on optically thick samples (stacked leaves + needles or powders).

II. The experiment

In order to have a wide range of variation of leaf internal structure, pigmentation, water content and biochemical components, plant species with different types of leaves were collected during two separate periods during the summer of 1993. Many species were sampled twice (once in early summer, once in early autumn) in order to assess the variability in time of the biochemical composition. For particular species like maize which is the main crop in the region, plants at several stages of the growing cycle were collected. About 70 leaf samples representative of more than 50 species of woody and herbaceous plants (4 Gymnosperms, 9 Monocotyledons, and 37 Dicotyledons) were obtained from trees, crops and plants in the area of the JRC (Table 1).

Table 1. Names of samples.

#      English                    Italiano               Francais              Latinus

First experiment                                        

1   d  Clover                     Trifoglio              Trefle                Trifolium pratense
2   m  Sorghetta                  Sorghetta              Sorghetta             Sorghum halepense
3   g  Norway spruce 91           Abete rosso 91         Epicea 91             Picea abies
4   d  Wild vine (1/2)            Vite selvatica         Vigne sauvage         Vitis silvestris
5   d  Ash (1/2)                  Frassino europeo       Frene                 Fraxinus excelsior
6   d  Lettuce                    Lattuga romana         Laitue                Lactuca sativa
7   g  Douglas fir 93             Abete di Douglas 93    Pin Douglas 93        Pseudotsuga menziesii
8   d  Laurel ceraso old          Lauroceraso vecchio    Laurier ceraso vieux  Prunus laurocerasus
9   g  Norway spruce 92           Abete rosso 92         Epicea 92             Picea abies
10  d  Poplar (1/3)               Pioppo canadese        Peuplier              Populus canadensis
11  d  Alfalfa                    Erba medica            Luzerne               Medicago sativa
12  m  Maize 1                    Mais 1                 Mais 1                Zea mays
13  d  Potato                     Patata                 Pomme de terre        Solanum tuberosum
14  d  Wild vine (2/2)            Vite selvatica         Vigne sauvage         Vitis silvestris
15  d  Ash (2/2)                  Frassino europeo       Frene                 Fraxinus excelsior
16  m  Maize 3 (1/2)              Mais 3                 Mais 3                Zea mays
17  g  Contorta pine              Pino contorto          Pin contortas         Pinus contorta
18  *  Cultivated mushroom        Fungo coltivato        Champignon de Paris   Psalliota hortensis
19  d  Laurel ceraso young        Lauroceraso giovane    Laurier ceraso jeune  Prunus laurocerasus
20  d  Beech (1/2)                Faggio comune          Hetre                 Fagus sylvatica
21  d  Laurel nobilis old (1/2)   Lauro alloro vecchio   Laurier nobilis vieux Laurus nobilis
22  d  False acacia (1/2)         Robinia                Robinier              Robinia pseudoacacia
23  d  Oak (1/2)                  Roverella              Chene                 Quercus pubescens
24  d  Sunflower                  Girasole               Tournesol             Helianthus annuus
25  d  Linden                     Tiglio europeo         Tilleul               Tilia europaea
26  m  Maize 3 (2/2)              Mais 3                 Mais 3                Zea mays
27  d  Walnut (no stem)           Noce (senza nervatura) Noyer (sans nervure)  Juglans regia
28  d  Walnut                     Noce                   Noyer                 Juglans regia
29  d  Poplar (2/3)               Pioppo canadese        Peuplier              Populus canadensis
30  d  Beech (2/2)                Faggio comune          Hetre                 Fagus sylvatica
31  d  Laurel nobilis old (2/2)   Lauro alloro vecchio   Laurier nobilis vieux Laurus nobilis
32  d  False acacia (2/2)         Robinia                Robinier              Robinia pseudoacacia
33  d  Oak (2/2)                  Roverella              Chene                 Quercus pubescens
34  m  Stalks of maize 2          Steli di mais 2        Tiges de mais 2       Zea mays
35  d  Alfalfa stalks             Steli di erba medica   Tiges de luzerne      Medicago sativa
36  d  Sugar beet (1/2)           Barbabietola           Betterave             Beta vulgaris
37  d  Nettles                    Ortica                 Ortie                 Urtica dioica
38  g  Norway spruce 93           Abete rosso 93         Epicea 93             Picea abies
39  d  Poplar (3/3)               Pioppo canadese        Peuplier              Populus canadensis
40  m  Rice (1/2)                 Riso                   Riz                   Oryza sativa
41  m  Phleum pratense            Coda di topo           Phleum pratense       Phleum pratense
42  m  Rye ear (1/2)              Spiga di segale        Epi de seigle         Secale cereale
43  m  Ear of salmone wheat (1/2) Spiga di frumento      Epi de ble            Triticum aestivum
44  m  Ear of pandas wheat (1/2)  Spiga di frumento      Epi de ble            Triticum aestivum
45  d  Soya                       Soia                   Soja                  Soja hispida
46  d  Sugar beet (2/2)           Barbabietola           Betterave             Beta vulgaris
47  m  Ear of pandas wheat (2/2)  Spiga di frumento      Epi de ble            Triticum aestivum
48  m  Ear of salmone wheat (2/2) Spiga di frumento      Epi de ble            Triticum aestivum
49  m  Rye ear (2/2)              Spiga di segale        Epi de seigle         Secale cereale
50  m  Rice (2/2)                 Riso                   Riz                   Oryza sativa
51  d  Maple (1/2)                Acero                  Erable                Acer pseudoplatanus
52  d  Maple (2/2)                Acero                  Erable                Acer pseudoplatanus
53  d  Sunflower stalks           Steli di girasole      Tiges de tournesol    Helianthus annuus
54  d  Apricot tree               Albicocco              Abricotier            Armeniaca vulgaris
55  d  Mulberry tree (1/2)        Gelso                  Murier                Morus nigra
56  d  Plane bark                 Corteccia di platano   Ecorce de platane     Platanus acerifolia
57  d  Mulberry tree (2/2)        Gelso                  Murier                Morus nigra
58  m  Maize 2                    Mais 2                 Mais 2                Zea mays
59  d  Chestnut                   Castagno               Chataignier           Castanea sativa
60  d  Hazel tree (1/2)           Nocciuolo              Noisetier             Corylus avellana
61  *  Wood shavings              Segatura               Sciure de bois        *
62  d  Hazel tree (2/2)           Nocciuolo              Noisetier             Corylus avellana
63  d  Soya lecithin              Lecitina di soia       Lecithine de soja     *
64  *  Ecofoam (maize)            Ecofoam (mais)         Ecofoam (mais)        *
65  *  Cotton wool                Cotone idrofilo        Coton hydrophile      *
66  *  Potato starch              Amido di patate        Amidon de pdt         *
67  *  Rice starch                Amido di riso          Amidon de riz         *
68  *  Maize starch               Amido di mais          Amidon de mais        *
69  *  Wheat starch               Amido di frumento      Amidon de ble         *
70  *  Wheat bran                 Crusca di frumento     Son de ble            *

Second experiment                                       

71  d  Linden                     Tiglio europeo         Tilleul               Tilia europaea
72  g  Contorta pine              Pino contorto          Pin contortas         Pinus contorta
73  d  Poplar                     Pioppo europeo         Peuplier              Populus tremula
74  g  Douglas fir 93             Abete di Douglas 93    Pin Douglas 93        Pseudotsuga menziesii
75  d  Oak                        Roverella              Chene                 Quercus pubescens
76  d  Alder                      Ontano comune          Aulne                 Alnus glutinosa
77  m  Maize (1/2)                Mais                   Mais                  Zea mays
78  m  Maize dry                  Mais secco             Mais sec              Zea mays
79  d  Red oak (1/2)              Quercia rossa          Chene rouge           Quercus rubra
80  m  Maize (2/2)                Mais                   Mais                  Zea mays
81  m  Maize half dry             Mais                   Mais deseche          Zea mays
82  d  Red oak (2/2)              Quercia rossa          Chene rouge           Quercus rubra
83  d  Hazel tree                 Nocciuolo              Noisetier             Corylus avellana
84  d  Chestnut dry               Castagno secco         Chataignier sec       Castanea sativa
85  d  Maple                      Acero                  Erable                Acer pseudoplatanus
86  d  Sage                       Salvia                 Sauge                 Salvia officinalis
87  d  Fig tree                   Fico comune            Figuier               Ficus carica
88  m  Bamboo 1                   Bambo 1                Bambou 1              Bambusa acundinacea
89  m  Palm tree                  Palma                  Palmier               Chamaerops humilis
90  m  Lake reed                  Cannuccia di palude    Roseau                Phragmites communis
91  m  Bamboo 2                   Bambo 2                Bambou 2              Bambusa acundinacea
92  d  Apricot tree               Albicocco              Abricotier            Armeniaca vulgaris
93  d  Elm                        Olmo montano           Orme                  Ulmus glabra
94  d  Ivy                        Edera                  Lierre                Hedera helix
95  m  Maize stalks               Steli di mais          Tiges de Mais         Zea mays
96  g  Norway spruce 93           Abete rosso 93         Epicea 93             Picea abies
97  d  False acacia               Robinia                Robinier              Robinia pseudoacacia
98  d  Prunus serotina            Ciliegio nero          Prunier               Prunus serotina
99  d  Ash                        Frassino europeo       Frene                 Fraxinus excelsior
100 d  Cabbage                    Cavolo verza           Chou                  Brassica oleracea
101 g  Bhutan pine                Pino himalaiano        Pin                   Pinus wallichiana
102 m  Iris                       Iris                   Iris                  Iris germanica
103 d  Vine (white grapes)        Vite (uva bianca)      Vigne (raisins blanc) Vitis vinifera
104 d  Mulberry                   Gelso bianco           Murier                Morus alba
105 d  Willow                     Salice                 Saule                 Salix alba
106 d  Vine (american)            Vite (americana)       Vigne (americaine)    Vitis silvestris
107 m  Banana tree                Banano                 Bananier              Musa ensete
108 g  Norway spruce 92           Abete Rosso 92         Epicea 92             Picea abies
109 d  Alfalfa stalks             Steli di erba medica   Tiges de luzerne      Medicago sativa
110 m  Rice stalks                Steli di riso          Tiges de riz          Oryza sativa
111 d  Chestnut tree              Castagno               Chataignier           Castanea sativa
112 d  Birch                      Betulla                Bouleau               Betula alba
113 d  Alfalfa                    Erba medica            Luzerne               Medicago sativa
114 d  Tomato                     Pomodoro               Tomate                Lycopersicon esculentum
115 d  Soya                       Soia                   Soja                  Soja hispida
116 m  Rice                       Riso                   Riz                   Oryza sativa
117 *  Rice (whole grain)         Riso (con glumi)       Riz (avec glumes)     *
118 *  Rice (husks)               Riso (glumi)           Riz (glumes)          *
119 *  Rice (whole grain)         Riso (integrale)       Riz (entier)          *
120 *  Rice parboiled             Riso bianco            Riz blanc             *

In addition, various substances such as powdered starch or proteins and vegetative material such as stems or bark were also included in the data set to increase its variability. About 800 g of leaves were required for each sample which normally yielded about 80 g of dry material.

III. Spectral measurements

A Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 double-beam spectrophotometer equipped with a BaSO4 integrating sphere was used for the measurement of the reflectance (R) and transmittance (T) of the upper faces of leaves, the probe light beam of the instrument being incident on the upper face of the leaves with an angle of 8°. The absorptance (A) was derived from R and T through the simple relationship: A=1*(R+T). In addition, the reflectance of optically thick samples (Ri) was measured by stacking leaves in order to magnify the radiometric signal and minimize the leaf to leaf variability or, in the case of needles or powders, by placing them in a quartz cuvette. Spectra were scanned over the 400-2500 nm wavelength interval with 1 nm step starting at 2500 nm and ending at 400 nm. The spectral resolution varied from 1 to 2 nm in the visible / near infrared (400-1000 nm) and from 4 to 5 nm in the middle infrared (1000-2500 nm). The calibration of the instrument was performed using Spectralon reflectance and wavelength calibration standards. For each sample, measurements were made on 5 different areas in order to quantify the small but not negligible leaf to leaf variability. The scan time required for each sample was about 4 minutes. In the case of needles and powdered material, the quartz cuvette was positioned vertically against the side of the BaSO4 integrating sphere. The reflectance spectra made in this mode have been corrected for the effect of the quartz plate in front of the sample taking into account the reflectance and transmittance of a single quartz plate of the same thickness, as described below. All the above procedure was repeated some days later on dried leaves and needles to analyse the influence of water which is known to obscure the biochemical information in the middle infrared region.

III.1. Instrumental corrections

The integrating sphere is 60 mm in diameter with a ratio aperture / internal surface of 8%. In the VIS / NIR, the detector is a photomultiplier; in the IR region, a PbS detector is used. The transition between the two detectors occurs at 860.8 nm. First the full scale was set by running the instrument with two white diffusing reflectors positioned on the sample and reference ports of the sphere. The instrument stores this measurement and uses it to automatically correct the following measurements. The diffusing reflectors should be calibrated standards; however, at the time of the experiment, these were not available and two uncalibrated spectralon samples (sample A on the sample port, sample B on the reference port) were used. The reflectance of these two samples was later measured with reference to a SR99 diffuse reflectance standard. Let rB be the measured ratio of sample B to SR99 standard reflectances (rB=RB/RSR99). A background measurement was also performed by positioning a light trap (reflectance < 10-4) on the sample port. The apparent measured background reflectance (r0) has its origin in the small fraction of the sample beam not incident on the light trap but on the surface of the sphere. The reflectance measurements were then performed by placing the sample on the sample port, leaving the diffuse reflector B on the reference port. Transmittance measurements were performed with diffuse reflector B positioned on the sample port while the sample itself intercepted the sample beam at its entrance in the sphere. Diffuse reflector B was always used on the reference port.

If rs and ts denote the raw reflectance and transmittance measurements, the absolute reflectance (Rs) and transmittance (Ts) can be approximated with the following formulae:

     (rs - r0).rB.RSR99
Rs = ------------------ [1]
	  1 - r0

Ts = ----------- [2]
       1 - r0

where RSR99 is provided by the certified calibration of the standard. In the transmittance formula, the background r0 is not subtracted, as the fraction of the sample beam not incident on the sample port is part of the signal (being transmitted through the sample). The denominator of the formulae takes into account the effect of r0 on the instrumental full scale value. These correction formulae were tested in various ways.

Results on diffuse reflectance standards

Grey standard diffusers (reflectance of 80, 60, 40 ,20 ,10, 5 and 2% ) were measured and their corrected reflectance was found to lie within the calibration specifications (standard deviation = ± 0.005). The same was done for a number of colored standard diffusers.

Results on transmittance samples

Two diffusing transmittance samples were measured both for reflectance and transmittance (SDM-200-DU and SDM-200-DM). These samples are made of a film (~300 µm) of Spectralon and the sum of their reflectance and transmittance should be very close to 1 (almost negligible absorption).

III.2. Correction for samples measured in a cuvette

Since the spectrophotometer does not allow to position the sample horizontally, some material (needles, uncompressed powders) had to be contained in a glass cuvette. The reflectance (Rg) and transmittance (Tg) of the cuvette wall was measured and the reflectance of the studied material (Rs) retrieved using the following formula:

	  Rs+c - Rg
Rs = --------------------- [3]
     Rg.(Rs+c - Rg) + Tg^2

where Rs+c is the corrected (with formula 1) reflectance measurement on the sample in the cuvette. The formula takes into account the multiple reflections. The validity of this correction was checked by measuring a black painted aluminium plate both inside and outside the cuvette. The results are satisfactory. In most of the spectra, a small disturbance can be observed at the 860 nm point due to the automatic change from PbS detector to photomultiplier. In the case of some optically thick samples such as stalks, this disturbance may increase noticeably since the instrument slit width also changes at this point and thus the geometry of the target surface observed may be altered. Technical specifications of the spectrophotometer are given in Table 2 and the configuration of the instrument during the experiment is given in Table 3.

Principle of operation   Double-beam, double-monochromator spectrometer
Spectral range           UV / Vis / NIR (175 - 3200 nm)
Instrument control       External PC (COMPAQ 386 Deskpro)
Optics                   2 monochromators in series, each with 2 gratings
Gratings                 UV / Vis: Holographic grating with 1440 lines/mm
                         NIR: Ruled grating with 360 lines/mm 
                         Automatic grating change during monochromator slewing
Filters                  Programmed optical filters with automatic filter change during
                         monochromator slewing
Light sources            UV: Deuterium lamp
                         Vis / NIR: Tungsten-halogen lamp
                         Automatic source change during monochromator slewing
Beam incidence angle     8 degrees
Detectors                UV / Vis: Side window photomultiplier
                         NIR: PbS
                         Automatic detector change during monochromator slewing
Dimensions               845 * 250 * 610 mm
Wavelength accuracy      UV / Vis: +- 0.15 nm
                         NIR: +-0.6 nm
Wavelength repeatability UV / Vis: better than 0.02 nm
                         NIR: better than 0.08 nm
Wavelength resolution    UV / Vis: 0.05 to 5.0 nm
                         NIR: 0.2 to 20 nm
Stray radiation          <0.00008% at 220, 340 and 370 nm
                         <0.002% at 1690 nm
Photometric accuracy     +- 0.08% T at 1A
                         +- 0.05% T at 0.05A
Baseline flatness        UV / Vis: +- 0.001 A
                         NIR: +- 0.002 A
Scan speed               0.9 - 960 nm/min
Integrating sphere       BaSO4 coating
Table 2. Technical specifications of the Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 spectrophotometer

Ordinate limits / mode          0 - 100 / reflectance
Abscissa range (170 - 3200 nm)  400 - 2500 nm
Data interval (0.01 - 100 nm)   1.00 nm
Slit width UV/Vis (0.05 - 5 nm) 2.00 nm (fixed)
NIR servo (1-8) 3               Lamps D2 off / Tungsten (W) on
Detector                        Auto (detector change at 860.8 nm)
Instrument speed                480 nm/min
Smoothing                       2 nm
Cycles / Time                   1 / Auto
Table 3. Configuration of the Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 spectrophotometer during LOPEX'93

IV. Auxiliary measurements

In parallel with the spectral measurements, many physical and biological measurements were performed on the samples. Leaf blade thickness was measured with a calliper rule (5 measurements per leaf). The fresh weight of a 4.10 cm² disk taken on each leaf using a cork borer was then immediately measured. The disk was then placed in a drying oven at 85°C for 48 hours and reweighed to determine the water content (WC = water mass over fresh mass), the equivalent water thickness or water depth (EWT = water mass per unit leaf area), and the specific leaf area (SLA = dry weight per unit leaf area). Special attention has been paid to the measurement of SLA because biochemical concentrations used in leaf optical properties models are generally expressed in weights per unit leaf area; in this way, we will be able in the future to compare outputs from models with outputs from statistical relationships.

With regard to the other biochemical constituents, about 250 g of fresh material were partially dried in an oven and then sent to two independent and specialized laboratories in France and Belgium which performed the measurements of total proteins, cellulose, lignin, and starch using standard wet chemical analyses. The comparison between the concentration values (g/g) provided by the two laboratories gives an idea of the precision of these analyses: protein and cellulose measurements were quite consistent while lignin and starch measurements differed significantly. These discrepancies are probably mainly due to the different methods of chemical extraction.

Extraction methods:

A total of 120 samples was sent to each laboratory in 2 batches. The first batch, collected in July, contained 70 samples and the second batch, collected in September, contained 50 samples. Each batch contained a number of double samples which allows an estimation to be made of the repeatability of the chemical analyses. Furthermore, some of the vegetation types contained in batch 1 were repeated in batch 2 in order to be able to assess the natural variation of the biochemical concentrations during the period of maximum phenological activity of the vegetation.

Figure 2 shows the distribution of chemistry data for 10 Gymnosperm, 15 Monocotyledon, and 48 Dicotyledon samples representing the 50 species: the lignin concentration of needles and Dicotyledon leaves which mainly correspond to woody plants respectively amounts to about 14.3% and 12.1% of the dry weight while that of Monocotyledon leaves is three times lower (4.3%). The distribution is rather different for cellulose: its concentration in needles and Monocotyledons respectively amounts to 29.5% and 28.3% while that in Dicotyledons is 10% lower. Lignin and cellulose are structural components of cell walls: they constitute altogether around 30.8% of the dry weight of plant leaves and 43.8% of the dry weight of needles, but they are physiologically and biochemically inactive. In contrast, the concentration of protein which has essential roles in biochemical and physiological processes is twice as high as in plant leaves (19.4%) than in needles (8.5%). The C/N ratio which indicates changes in decomposition rates affecting nutrient cycling and trace gas fluxes consequently varies from 1 to 3. Finally, the starch concentration is very small except for Dicotyledons where it equals 2.5% of the dry weight.

Part of the remaining leaf samples was frozen for later biochemical analysis: the photometric determination of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, b and total carotenoids) was performed with a UV-2001 PC spectrophotometer in 100% acetone using the equations of Lichtenthaler (1987) at the University of Karlsruhe (Botanical Institute II).

where A = absorption coefficient. Another part of the remaining samples was ground to a fine powder using a Retsch ZM1 grinder equipped with a 10 microns filter. Part of the powders was then compressed under a pressure of 20 tons and formed into pastilles in aluminium and plastic cups (diameter = 30 mm). The pastilles were then dried in an oven for one week at 40°C before their spectral characteristics were measured again in the Lambda 19 spectrophotometer. Each spectral measurement was made on three different points of the pastille. In all, 94 pastilles were measured in this way. (See data files OPEX2---).

A small part of the powders (8 g) was put aside for analysis of the elemental composition of the samples. The elemental analyses were made at the bioclimatology laboratory of INRA Clermont Ferrand (France) using a microanalyser ERBA. The elements of interest were Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Nitrogen (N), and Oxygen (O). The elements were not analysed simultaneously. The composition in C, H, and N was estimated using the Dumas and Pregl method. Samples and standards are weighted into tin containers and sealed. The sample is dropped into the combustion furnace. A fixed volume of oxygen is flushed in by the heluim gas carrier. The tin oxydizes immediately and temperature rises to 1800°C. Combustion gases pass on a first catalyst (CR2O3) to produce CO2, H2, SO2 / SO3 and NOx and on a second catalyst (pure copper) to reduce NOx, sulphur and residual oxygen. Gases are then separated in a chromatographic column and quantified using a thermal conductivity detector. The composition in oxygen was determined using the Unterzaucher method. The method is similar to the Dumas and Pregl method except that the catalyst is nickel and combustion gases are transformed in NO. Similary, gases are separated in a chromatographic column and quantified in the same way. Results are expressed in % of dry matter. Two or three repetitions were made for each sample analysis.

V. Classification of the experimental results

The experimental results have been classified and archived for future use in a series of ASCII files in the main directory LOPEX93. The overall structure of the classification system is shown in Figure 1.

The bulk of the data files is constituted by the reflectance and transmittance spectra. A total of 1938 files has been generated with the root name OPEX contained in the sub-directory spectra. Each file has been radiometrically corrected and is expressed in terms of absolute reflectance (as a fraction of 1). The corresponding wavelengths which are identical for all spectra are contained in the file OPEX.WVL and are expressed in nanometres (integer values ranging from 400 to 2500). Examples of reflectance spectra are shown in Figures 2 and 3.

All auxiliary measurements are contained in a separate sub-directory (auxmeas). The complete list of samples is given in Latin (where possible) and English in Tables 1 and 2 respectively. These names are also contained in the files SAM_LNAM and SAM_ENAM.LST.

A key element in this classification is the association between the spectrum number and the relative auxiliary measurements. This is the file SPEC_AUX.DAT. An explanation of the code employed in this file is given in Table 4.

[1] = Spectrum number: 0001 - 2307
[2] = Spectrum type: 1 = reflectance 2 = transmittance
[3] = State of sample: 0 = fresh 1 = dry
[4] = Type of sample: 1 = single leaf
                      2 = stack of leaves (eg. 50 leaves)
                      3 = material in quartz cuvette (eg. needles)
                      4 = stalks
                      5 = optically dense material (eg. bark)
                      6 = pastilles (compressed powder)
[5] = Spectrum block number: 001 - 103
[6] = Average leaf thickness (micron) or average of averages in the case of leaf stacks
[7] = Fresh weight (grammes)
[8] = Dry weight (grammes)
[9] = Leaf area used in weighing (cm2)

-1 = Measurement not made or not applicable

Extract from data file: SPEC_AUX.DAT

0400 1 1 1 004 208.0  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.00
0401 2 1 1 004 208.0  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.00 
0402 1 1 2 004 208.0  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.00 
0403 1 0 5 033  -1.0   8.5752   6.8440  -1.00 
0404 1 0 5 033  -1.0   8.5752   6.8440  -1.00 
0405 1 0 5 033  -1.0   8.5752   6.8440  -1.00 
0406 1 0 5 033  -1.0   8.5752   6.8440  -1.00 
0407 1 0 5 033  -1.0   8.5752   6.8440  -1.00 
0410 1 0 1 034 122.0   0.0429   0.0147   4.10 
0411 2 0 1 034 122.0   0.0429   0.0147   4.10 
0412 1 0 1 034 118.0   0.0397   0.0119   4.10 
0413 2 0 1 034 118.0   0.0397   0.0119   4.10 
0414 1 0 1 034 134.0   0.0480   0.0157   4.10 
0415 2 0 1 034 134.0   0.0480   0.0157   4.10 
0416 1 0 1 034  82.0   0.0315   0.0079   4.10 
0417 2 0 1 034  82.0   0.0315   0.0079   4.10 
0418 1 0 1 034 134.0   0.0394   0.0149   4.10 
0419 2 0 1 034 134.0   0.0394   0.0149   4.10 
0420 1 0 2 034 118.0   0.4263   0.1223   4.10 
0421 1 1 1 002  72.0  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.00 
0422 2 1 1 002  72.0  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.00 
0423 1 1 1 002  90.0  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.00
Table 4. Explanation of code used in Spec. / Aux. meas. file (SPEC_AUX.DAT)

The association between the sample number and the relative biochemical analyses is contained in the file SAM_BIO.DAT. This file also contains the code indicating the type of sample in question (ie. monocotyledon, dicotyledon etc). An explanation of the code employed is given in Table 5.

 [1] = sample number (001-120)
 [2] = type of sample: 1 Monocotyledon
		       2 Dicotyledon
		       3 Gymnosperm
		       0 Other
 [3] = sample status: 1 Single sample
		      2 Double sample (first occurence)
		      3 Triple sample (first occurence)
 [4] = associated spectrum block number (SPEC_AUX.DAT)
 [5] = Nitrogen % dry weight ( France)
 [6] = Nitrogen % dry weight (Belgium)
 [7] = Cellulose % dry weight (France)
 [8] = Cellulose % dry weight (Belgium)
 [9] = Lignin % dry weight (France)
[10] = Lignin % dry weight (Belgium)
[11] = Starch % dry weight (France)
[12] = Starch % dry weight (Belgium)

-1.00 = No analysis or not applicable

Extract from SAM_BIO.DAT

001 2 1 026  31.69   31.35   12.10   15.78   3.04    2.16    0.00    2.43 
002 1 1 015  24.21   23.69   24.90   30.01   3.45    3.58    0.00    0.40 
003 3 1 009   6.26    7.11   25.20   25.49  12.51   12.29    0.00    2.95 
004 2 1 038  10.89   11.86    9.10   11.55   4.28   21.29    9.25    5.13 
005 2 1 029  20.64   20.41   11.10   14.79   9.25   22.80    0.35    3.89 
006 2 1 024  35.52   35.58   12.40   16.82   3.93    1.60    2.74    2.25 
007 3 1 012   7.63    7.94   23.50   27.13  10.68   16.44    0.00    0.00 
008 2 1 006   7.37    7.42   14.30   16.66  11.92   22.53    0.00    7.28 
009 3 1 010   6.06    7.28   25.10   26.76  12.35   14.46    0.00    0.00 
010 2 1 019  18.19   17.69   13.90   15.98   9.82   11.34    0.00    1.61 
011 2 1 014  33.05   32.66    2.10   11.34   2.68    3.43    3.02    9.99 
012 1 1 013  25.31   26.55   21.80   26.60   2.19    3.03    9.42    0.40 
013 2 1 032  31.93   30.33   11.00   14.50   2.62    1.09    1.43    3.66 
014 2 2 038  13.70   11.96    8.69   10.61   3.49   17.82    8.67    6.17 
015 2 2 029  20.66   19.43   11.50   14.98   6.92   19.12    0.94    4.11 
016 1 1 039  25.65   24.09   22.60   25.89   2.39    2.75    0.34    0.00 
017 3 1 011   7.90    8.58   29.80   32.51  11.34   13.31    0.00    1.63 
018 0 1 042  41.07   40.83   10.90   14.15  10.32    6.82    2.17    6.00 
019 2 1 005   9.13    9.83   16.80   19.40  13.17   26.22    3.38    4.01 
020 2 1 031  16.99   17.01   22.60   25.56  15.56   16.59    0.70    4.86 
021 2 1 006  10.48   11.82   21.90   26.81  20.09   16.80    6.73    2.03 
022 2 1 002  25.86   25.13   15.30   18.27  17.36   16.73    2.34    6.52 
023 2 1 001  17.02   16.17   23.20   26.29  23.31   18.13    0.12    3.64
Table 5. Explanation of code used in Sample / Biochemical file (SAM_BIO.DAT)

The association between the sample number and the relative spectra is contained in the file SAM_SPEC.DAT. An explanation of the code employed in this file is given in Table 6.

    [1] = sample number (001 - 120)
  [2-6] = reflectance spectrum number of fresh single leaf (eg. OPEX0306)
 [7-11] = transmittance spectrum number of fresh single leaf (eg. OPEX0307)
   [12] = reflectance spectrum number of fresh leaf stack (eg. OPEX0316)
[13-17] = reflectance spectrum number of fresh optically thick material
[18-22] = reflectance spectrum number of dry single leaf (eg. OPEX0489)
[23-27] = transmittance spectrum number of dry single leaf (eg. OPEX490)
   [28] = reflectance spectrum number of dry leaf stack (eg. OPEX0499) 
[29-33] = reflectance spectrum number of dry optically thick material
[34-36] = reflectance spectrum number of pastilles (eg. OPEX2005)
-1 = measurement not made or not applicable 

Extract from SAM_SPEC.DAT

001 0306 0308 0310 0312 0314 0307 0309 0311 0313 0315 0316   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 2003 2004 2005 
002 0163 0165 0167 0169 0171 0164 0166 0168 0170 0172 0173   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 2006 2007 2008 
003   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 0437 0438 0439 0440 0441   -1   -1   -1 
004 0522 0524 0526 0528 0530 0523 0525 0527 0529 0531 0532   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 0768 0770 0772 0774 0776 0769 0771 0773 0775 0777 0778   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 2013 2014 2015 
005 0335 0337 0339 0341 0343 0336 0338 0340 0342 0344 0345   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 2016 2017 2018 
006 0288 0290 0292 0294 0296 0289 0291 0293 0295 0297 0298   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 0489 0491 0493 0495 0497 0490 0492 0494 0496 0498 0499   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 
007   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 0134 0135 0136 0137 0138   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 0745 0746 0747 0748 0749 2019 2020 2021 
008 0073 0075 0077 0079 0081 0074 0076 0078 0080 0082 0084   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 0454 0456 0458 0460 0462 0455 0457 0459 0461 0463 0464   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 2022 2023 2024 
009   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 0442 0443 0444 0445 0446 2025 2026 2027

Note: Special case is sample no.56 (plane bark)  
        [2-6] = reflectance of inner side of fresh bark 
      [13-17] = reflectance of outer side of fresh bark 
      [29-33] = reflectance of outer side of dry bark
Table 6. Explanation of code used in Sample / Spectrum file (SAM_SPEC.DAT)

The association between the sample number and the spectrum number can thus be obtained in 2 ways: (1) Indirectly, by means of the spectrum block number in the SAM_BIO and SPEC_AUX files. (2) Directly, by means of the SAM_SPEC.DAT file The results of the chlorophyll and total carotenoids analyses can be found in the file SAM_PIG.DAT. An explanation of the code employed in this file is given in Table 7.

    [1] = sample number 
    [2] = type of sample: 1 fresh leaf (flmr / flmt / flmri --> 66 spectra) 
                          2 dry leaf (dlmr / dlmt / dlmri --> 60 spectra) 
                          3 fresh needle (fnmr --> 10 spectra) 
                          4 dry needle (dnmr --> 10 spectra) 
                          5 fresh stalk (fsmr --> 12 spectra) 
                          6 dry stalk (dsmr --> 7 spectra) 
                          7 powder (pwmr --> 11 spectra) 
    [3] = type of plant: 1 Monocotyledon        
                         2 Dicotyledon      
                         3 Gymnosperm
  [4-5] = Chlorophyll a content per fresh weight (mg/g) 
    [6] = average value 
  [7-8] = Chlorophyll b content per fresh weight (mg/g) 
    [9] = average value 
[10-11] = Carotenoids content per fresh weight (mg/g) 
   [12] = average value 
[13-14] = Chlorophyll a content per dry weight (mg/g) 
   [15] = average value 
[16-17] = Chlorophyll b content per dry weight (mg/g) 
   [18] = average value 
[19-20] = Carotenoids content per dry weight (mg/g) 
   [21] = average value 
-1 = measurement not made or not applicable 

Extract from SAM_PIG.DAT 
001 1  1 2  2.61   2.97   2.79   0.94   1.00   0.97   0.51   0.56   0.54 10.01  11.40  10.71   3.61   3.86   3.74   1.94   2.15   2.05 
002 1  2 1  2.42   2.32   2.37   0.55   0.52   0.54   0.68   0.69   0.69  9.59   9.20   9.40   2.19   2.05   2.12   2.72   2.74   2.73 
003 3  1 3  0.67   0.64   0.66   0.27   0.23   0.25   0.22   0.21   0.22  0.82   0.77   0.80   0.32   0.29   0.31   0.26   0.25   0.26 
003 4  1 3    -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1    -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1 
004 1  3 2  0.88   0.89   0.89   0.24   0.25   0.25   0.34   0.35   0.35  2.95   2.97   2.96   0.81   0.84   0.83   1.14   1.16   1.15 
004 2  1 2  1.34   1.41   1.38   0.22   0.18   0.20   0.19   0.21   0.20  3.67   3.87   3.77   0.61   0.48   0.54   0.53   0.58   0.55 
005 1  4 2  3.35   3.31   3.33   1.05   1.03   1.04   0.83   0.83   0.83  8.72   8.61   8.66   2.74   2.69   2.72   2.16   2.15   2.16 
006 1  5 2  1.17   1.02   1.10   0.40   0.36   0.38   0.36   0.31   0.34 11.50  10.04  10.77   3.92   3.54   3.73   3.51   3.05   3.28 
006 2  2 2  3.12   3.20   3.16   0.44   0.40   0.42   0.35   0.37   0.36  3.47   3.56   3.52   0.48   0.45   0.47   0.39   0.41   0.40
Table 7. Explanation of code used in Sample / Pigments file (SAM_PIG.DAT)

The results of the elemental analyses can be found in the file SAM_ELE.DAT. An explanation of the code employed in this file is given in Table 7.

    [1] = sample number 
  [2-4] = Carbon (% dry matter)   
    [5] = Carbon (average value)                                       
  [6-8] = Hydrogen (% dry matter) 
    [9] = Hydrogen (average value) 
[10-12] = Oxygen (% dry matter) 
   [13] = Oxygen (average value) 
[14-16] = Nitrogen (% dry matter) 
   [17] = Nitrogen (average value)            
-1 = measurement not made or not applicable 

Extract from SAM_ELE.DAT 
001   46.30  46.96  -1.00  46.63  6.13  6.23 -1.00  6.18  36.82  37.96  -1.00  37.39  5.22  5.06 -1.00  5.14 
002   47.32  46.50  47.26  47.03  6.19  6.13  6.63  6.31  36.76  40.71  39.57  39.02  3.32  3.30  3.30  3.31 
003   -1.00  -1.00  -1.00  -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00  1.00  -1.00  -1.00  -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 
004   46.14  45.82  46.02  45.99  5.56  5.85  5.56  5.65  44.09  43.68  -1.00  43.88  2.00  1.87 -1.00  1.94 
005   45.82  46.08  45.95  45.96  5.94 -1.00 -1.00  5.95  37.83  39.83  39.30  38.99  3.32  3.16 -1.00  3.24 
006   -1.00  -1.00  -1.00  -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00  -1.00  -1.00  -1.00  -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 
007   50.46  50.73  50.57  50.59  6.61  6.83  7.04  6.83  40.60  41.28  -1.00  40.94  1.43  1.22  1.10  1.25 
008   49.07  48.67  47.75  48.50  6.26  6.23  5.99  6.16  39.66  40.32  -1.00  39.99  1.41  1.17 -1.00  1.29 
009   51.93  51.83  51.76  51.84  7.51  7.53  7.00  7.35  38.91  40.92  39.34  39.72  1.66  1.28 -1.00  1.47 
010   47.32  46.77  47.01  47.03  6.93  6.89  5.69  6.50  38.54  37.02  -1.00  37.78  2.94  2.72 -1.00  2.83 
011   46.21  46.86  46.96  46.68  6.13  6.43 -1.00  6.28  36.52  37.33  -1.00  36.93  5.09  5.26  5.11  5.15 
012   46.96  47.06  47.08  47.03  7.35  6.43  6.11  6.63  37.32  37.66  -1.00  37.49  4.31  4.41 -1.00  4.36 
013   42.82  43.66  43.83  43.44  5.68  5.26  5.89  5.61  37.53  39.03  -1.00  38.28  4.88  4.98 -1.00  4.93 
014   -1.00  -1.00  -1.00  -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00  -1.00  -1.00  -1.00  -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 
015   -1.00  -1.00  -1.00  -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00  -1.00  -1.00  -1.00  -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 
016   46.22  46.78  45.97  46.32  7.18  5.84  6.00  6.34  38.37  38.31  -1.00  38.34  3.74  3.56 -1.00  3.65 
017   50.20  50.06  49.49  49.92  7.89  6.14  6.74  6.92  42.21  42.93  -1.00  42.57  1.27  1.51 -1.00  1.39
Table 8. Explanation of code used in Sample / Elements file (SAM_ELE.DAT)

VI. Conclusion

An important and valuable data set has been put together with these measurements. The preparation of the leaf samples was particularly time-consuming especially in the case of plants with small leaves. The spectral measurements were made with the best equipment available and can be considered to be very precise. The fact that the samples were also powdered and compressed means that they will also be available in the future for further measurements or comparison. Preliminary analyses of the data show many promising results but there are many other analyses of correlation which still remain to be made at the time of writing. The authors hope that these data can be used by other researchers in this field and that the results will contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between the spectral characteristics of vegetation and its biochemical components for application in Remote Sensing.

VII. Acknowledgements

The authors are grateful to:

Chemical analyses were conducted by the "Centre de Recherches Agronomiques", Libramont (Belgium), and by "Europe Sols", Toulouse (France).

For more information on the LOPEX measurement campaign, instruments, observational protocols, etc, please contact:

Mr. Brian Hosgood
European Commission / Joint Research Centre
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
Sensors, Radar Technologies and Cybersecurity Unit
21020 Ispra (Va) Italy
Fax: +39 0332 785469